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DAUGAVPILS DRIFT FESTIVAL 2021 LATVIA DRIFT 44 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

Drifta sezonas noslēgums Biķerniekos 9.oktobrī
Drifta sezonas noslēgums Biķerniekos 9.oktobrī LATVIA DRIFT 44 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

Drifta sezonas noslēgums -- iespēja katram izmēģināt savus spēkus Driftā
Drifta sezonas noslēgums ir pienācis. Jau 9.oktobrī, šo 7dien, Biķerniekos, Drifta sezonas noslēgums un arī Biķernieku trases vasaras sezonas noslēgums. Drifta sezona šogad tiks noslēgta ar Latvijas Drifta Kausa 4.posmu- tātad uz starta šoreiz redzēsim gan street klases braucējus, gan Pro amatierus, kas visu sezonu ir pārsteiguši ar lielo dalībnieku skaitu.
Katram interesentam, kurš vēlas pamēģināt savus spēkus driftā ir lieliska iespēja to izdarīt, street klasē var piedalīties jebkurš braucējs, dalības maksa ir tikai 25 Ls. Vairāk informācijas par sacensībām- tehniskie noteikumi un nolikums ir pieejams www.laf.lv sadaļā drifts vai [a]www.lda.lv[/a] mājas lapā sadaļā dokumenti.
Pro amatieru rindās būs ļoti aizraujošas cīņas, un interesanti pārsteigumi, jo šajā ieskaites klasē uz starta redzēsiet arī daudz Pro klases automašīnas.
Sacensības sāksies 14:00, ieeja pasākumā no 13:00. Esiet gatavi karstām cīņām un daudz dūmiem. Pasākuma aptuvenais ilgums līdz 19:00.
Šīs sacensības būs noslēdzošās sezonā, tādejādi tiks sadalīts kopvērtējuma pjedestāls. Pagaidām neko noteikt nav iespējams, jo par goda pjedestālu cīnās vairāki sportisti, un visizšķirošākās cīņas ir abās ieskaites starp 2 līdz 6 vietām.
Esat gatavi daudz dūmiem, labai atmosfērai- organizatoripar komentētāju
Biļetes var iegādāties Biļešu servisa kasēs visā Latvijā, DUS Statoil un www.bilesuserviss.lv
• Pieaugušo 3,50 Ls
• Bērnu no 10-16 g.v 2 Ls
• Pensionāriem 1 Ls
• Ģimenes biļete(2+2) 7 Ls
• Bērniem līdz 10 g.v. , kā arī skolēniem līdz 5. klasei (ieskaitot) ieeja bez maksas.

Uz vietas pasākuma dienā būs pieejamas biļetes arī dalībnieku parkā 6 Ls
Vairāk informācijas [a]www.lda.lv[/a]
Paldies par sadarbību: Ģenerālsponsoram ADParts- tavs autosporta un tuninga speciālists, Kumho tyres, Motul, YUASA, Discomania, City Fitness, Ātruma cilts, Forsaža, Crocs, BM Auto, octa.lv, Red Bull, Decalfx.lv, Vējstikli, ss.lv, Auto Port, B/N Kurši, Lāčplēsis, Tavs Auto, www.go4speed.lv, Apsardze Berkuts, BMWPower.lv, www.travelnews.lv, www.boot.lv, R1

Henkell Estonian Grand Prix 2021
Henkell Estonian Grand Prix 2021 BaTCC 44 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

The best of the best meet again for a Rock 'n'roll in Parnu! In Saturday we meet the fastest guys in Touring car class, will the history heritage of Formula Historic, will experience that not only the weather will be hot but also the battles in BMW 325 CUP with more than 35 cars. And the pinnacle of Baltic Motorsports - the Baltic 6h endurance championship with the best of the best! Who will prevail?! Find that out!

Lietuvos U13 ir U19 badmintono čempionatas. 14 dalis
Lietuvos U13 ir U19 badmintono čempionatas. 14 dalis NAVICKAS BADMINTON ACADEMY 44 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

⁣Lietuvos U13 ir U19 badmintono čempionatas

Award ceremony | DAY 2 I Baltic Cup 2023 4rd Stage - Otepää, Estonia
Award ceremony | DAY 2 I Baltic Cup 2023 4rd Stage - Otepää, Estonia EESTI SUUSALIIT 44 - peržiūros • 2 metai atgal

⁣Award ceremony | DAY 2 I Baltic Cup 2023 4rd Stage - Otepää, Estonia

Vaikų technikos varžybos
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Courtside Talk 🎙️ | Episode  5
Courtside Talk 🎙️ | Episode  5 RKL TV 44 - peržiūros • 1 metai atgal

⁣⁣Pristatome naują „Courtside Talk“ epizodą, kuriame pakalbinome Tauragės „Tauragė“ komandos žaidėją Luką Grabauską.

Courtside Talk | Episode 7
Courtside Talk | Episode 7 RKL TV 44 - peržiūros • 12 mėnesis atgal

⁣Pristatome septintąjį „Courtside Talk“ Powered by Kauno kolegija epizodą, kuriame pakalbinome Prienų KKSC komandos žaidėją Domantą Šeškų.

LIDLMKL: U14 C div. vaikinų pusfinalis | Alytaus KA-„Glassbee“ – SII Akademija-Pasvalys
LIDLMKL: U14 C div. vaikinų pusfinalis | Alytaus KA-„Glassbee“ – SII Akademija-Pasvalys Lietuvos moksleivių krepšinio lyga (MKL) 44 - peržiūros • 11 mėnesis atgal

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Facebook ► http://bit.ly/2IORHFZ
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TikTok ► https://bit.ly/3H6iDgV
#lidlmkl #mkl #moksleivių krepšinis

LIDLMKL: U14 C div. vaikinų pusfinalis | Šilutės „Šilutė“ – Kalvarijos SC
LIDLMKL: U14 C div. vaikinų pusfinalis | Šilutės „Šilutė“ – Kalvarijos SC Lietuvos moksleivių krepšinio lyga (MKL) 44 - peržiūros • 11 mėnesis atgal

Sekite mus:
Facebook ► http://bit.ly/2IORHFZ
Instagram ► http://bit.ly/2PVa6my
TikTok ► https://bit.ly/3H6iDgV
#lidlmkl #mkl #moksleivių krepšinis

Daugavpils Drift Festival 2020, day 1
Daugavpils Drift Festival 2020, day 1 LATVIA DRIFT 43 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

Drone&drift LATVIA DRIFT 43 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

After the final event of the Latvia drift, 2017 is almost behind us. This was final pro fight 2017..
Can't wait what will bring us next year, but for sure, be ready for one crazy drift season in Latvia!! By the way- next year Latvia drift official will celebrate 10 years!!! Ready- set -go !!

Robyworks​ Drone Racing Latvia​

2 diena | Finalai | Lietuvos plaukimo čempionatas (25 m)
2 diena | Finalai | Lietuvos plaukimo čempionatas (25 m) LIETUVOS PLAUKIMO FEDERACIJA 43 - peržiūros • 2 metai atgal

⁣2022 m. gruodžio 15-17 d. (ketvirtadienis–šeštadienis) Druskininkų sporto centro baseine vyks atviras Lietuvos plaukimo čempionatas 25 m baseine.
Gruodžio 16 d. ⁣IV DALIS - B/A FINALAI. Pradžia: 18:00 val.

Nostra.lt-RKL rungtynių apžvalga: VDU - P. Olimpas [2023-01-27]
Nostra.lt-RKL rungtynių apžvalga: VDU - P. Olimpas [2023-01-27] Nostra.lt RKL 43 - peržiūros • 2 metai atgal

⁣Nostra.lt-RKL rungtynių apžvalga: VDU - P. Olimpas

Nostra.lt-RKL rungtynių apžvalga: Tauragė - Patriots [2023-03-11]
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Šiauliai Open by Toyota 2025 Court 2 (02-09-2025)
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Prenumeruokite mūsų kanalą ir gaukite karščiausias naujienas pirmieji!

Praleidai renginį?
Nebėda! Visas sportas ir daugiau per www.videosportas.lt

2021 M. LIETUVOS IMTYNIŲ JAUNIMO ČEMPIONATAS - 1 DIENA (KILIMAS A) Lietuvos imtynių federacija 42 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

2021 m. Lietuvos imtynių jaunimo čempionatas - 1 diena (Kilimas A)

Stadium Drift Bikernieki 2021
Stadium Drift Bikernieki 2021 LATVIA DRIFT 42 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

Latvian drift cup 4th stage, Bikernieki racing track speedway stadium, season 2021!


Baltic PRO drifters to open season on the thrilling moto track of Biķernieki

Latvian drift season is set to begin with an international level event – Biķernieki will host a round of the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian PRO drift championships on May 7th . The following day will consist of the first event of the Latvian drift cup in Street and ProAm classes, which typically have a lot of participants.

This season opening event is going to be special ,drift competition will be held in the famed “Raganas katls” part of the moto track. Previous year spectators spoony to this track.This part contains multiple significant elevation changes, blind corners and small safety zones, making for an exciting experience for both the drivers and spectators. Knowing the level of Latvian PRO drifters, this race is sure to be remembered for excellent driving despite the difficult configuration.

While typically it has been possible to watch the race from the main stands of Biķernieki, this time it will be necessary, as previous year, to watch from the woods next to the track. The organizers, however, say that it will be possible to see nearly all the track from the spectator points. It is also important to note that the Latvian drift cup event on 8th of May will take the same place,offering a track configuration suitable for the Street and ProAm classes, but something different at all for Latvian drift cup.

It is also important to note that both 7th and 8th of May will have an open service park, meaning that fans will be able to get a closer look at the drift cars and meet their favourite drivers without buying a separate ticket. The service park on 7-8th of May will also have a special free children playground thanks to Skrīveru saldumi, and there will also be an inflatable attraction for children courtesy of 1188 uzziņu dienests.

Since the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian PRO drift season opening on 7th of May will be a separate event from the Latvian drift cup event on 8th of May, there will be two sets of tickets as well. Tickets for the Baltic PRO class season opening on May 7th cost 10 EUR, but tickets for the Latvian drift cup on 8th of May will cost 8 EUR. Child tickets will cost 3 EUR per ticket, regardless of the event.

We’d also like to inform that if you buy the tickets in Kongresu nams, Dailes theatre, Stockmann shopping center, Latvijas Pasts offices, Elkor, KSuns or Cirks, then you will not have to pay any convenience fees for the ticket. But, if buying in the following list of places, you will have to pay a convenience fee in addition to the ticket price:
Sky&More, Prisma Plaza, Prisma Domina, Prisma Imanta, Prisma Sporta, Prisma Deglava, Spice shopping mall information center, SPICE HOME information center, Statoil fuelling stations, Narvesen – 1.50 EUR (VAT included). If tickets are bought online, a 1.50 EUR fee also applies, as required by the ticket service.
Therefore we would suggest buying tickets in places where you don’t have to pay the convenience fee for printing them, or to buy the tickets when arriving at the event on race day.

For more information about the event, please follow:
Facebook: Latvian Drift page
Twitter: Latvia drift
Draugiem.lv: Latvijas drifts
Instagram: latviadrift
and www.driftlatvia.com

RIGA DRIFT GP 2017 ,29 JULY BIKERNIEKI, LATVIA LATVIA DRIFT 42 - peržiūros • 3 metai atgal

To exist is to change!- Soon full info..but now..some

Rīga GP 2017 - official race days on July 28 and 29, Drift Camp-free practice day, on July 30
· Minor changes to the service park
· Prize money for winners!!!
· Additional tribunes built in the service park for spectators (tickets to these tribunes available only before the event)
· Drivers favourite track layout with a few new changes
· Separate tribune zones
· New concept for the VIP area
· Open service park for all spectators
· Spectator entertainment and relaxation zone
· Shows from other types of motorsports
· Car club exhibitions
· Traditional event format - qualification and top 32 tandem battles + tandem practice
· 28.07 (Friday) - official practice, press conference, parade on Rīga city streets
· 29.07 (Saturday) - official race day with qualification and tandems, shows, autograph sessions, etc.
· 30.07 (Saturday) - Drift Camp day for all competitors
· Triple tandem show runs during breaks
· And other activities

And Ofcourse affterparty in most popular club in Riga!!

Start planning for your drift holiday already - the largest drifting event of the season to be in Biķernieki (Rīga, Latvia) on July 28-30!

Exciting news about the event to be revealed on the 29th of every month leading up to the event!

See you in Rīga!

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